07 February 2009

My interests in the FI3T, while still aimed towards my goals, are slightly leaning to my personal love of fun. They remain being Science and Engineering primarily .


SCREEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAM!!!!!! My favorite parts of STEM so far, would have to be scence and Education Technology, even though Ed. Tech is not a part of STEM or STEME (heeheehee, see what I did there?) Anyway, I like those due to them being hands on and I can understand them better than the other parts of STEM.

Welcome... I guess

Hello, and good day. Blah Blah Blah Blah.... I'm participating in a project (FI3T), which involves STEM, or Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics. In case you didn't know, it's at a college, but for security reasons, I can't tell you which one. ;* Anyway, I am Finch. No, that is not my real name. it's my Pen name, well, my NEW pen name. If you wanna check out why I have a pen name, check out my dA (Deviant Art) by looking up Hiliotrope.